
0.5.1 / 2025-02-02

  • fetch_neurons(): Added omit_rois option, which speeds up the function if you don’t need ROI information.

  • For admins: Fixed an issue that could cause needless exceptions to be raised when cleaning up from a failed transaction.

0.5 / 2024-12-11

  • Now compatible with numpy 2.x

  • Fixed various warnings that occur with pandas 2.x

  • Minimum supported Python version is now explicitly listed as 3.9

  • Add missing client arguments in various places instead of using the default. (PR #58 and related commits) This is crucial if multiple clients have been constructed.

  • fetch_mean_synapses(): Added by_roi option to allow the user to fetch whole-neuron mean synapses

  • fetch_shorted_paths() allows you to omit filtering entirely using NC()

  • fetch_neurons(): If no NeuronCriteria is provided, fetch all ``:Neuron``s by default

  • Added available_datasets to (PR #60)

  • Internally generated Cypher now uses backticks for variables/properties that require them. (PR #42 and related commits)

  • Bug fix in connection_table_to_matrix() (PR #47)

  • Bug fix in fetch_common_connectivity() (PR #63)

  • Several other bug fixes

  • For developers: Added basic pixi configuration

0.4.26 / 2023-06-08

  • NeuronCriteria now supports many new properties for the MANC v1.0 dataset.

  • Neuron property columns are determined from cached metadata rather than a full scan of the database.

  • If more than one Client has been constructed, none of them become automatically become the default client. In that case, you must explicitly pass a client argument to each query function you call. This avoids a common pitfall when dealing with multiple neuprint datasets (and therefore multiple Clients).

  • SynapseCriteria now uses a default confidence threshold based on the dataset metadata (instead of using 0.0 by default)

  • Client constructor avoids contacting the database unless it needs to. (Duplicate clients are now cheaper to construct.)

  • Minor enhancements to skeleton utilities, including a couple new analysis functions.

  • Added CITATION.cff

0.4.25 / 2022-09-15

  • In live-updated neuprint databases, it is possible that an edge’s weight can become out-of-sync with its roiInfo totals. That inconsistency triggered an assertion in fetch_adjacencies(), but now it will emit a warning instead.

0.4.24 / 2022-07-14

  • Implemented a workaround to avoid a pandas bug in certain cases involving empty dataframes.

0.4.23 / 2022-06-14

  • In fetch_adjacencies() (and fetch_simple_connections()), we now ensure that no 0-weight “connections” are returned.


    In recent neuprint databases, some :ConnectsTo relationships may have a weight of 0. In such cases, the relationship will have a non-zero weightHR (high-recall weight), but all of the relevant synapses are low-confidence, hence the “default” weight of 0. We now exclude such connections from our results.

0.4.22 / 2022-06-14

  • Fixed a crash that could occur if you supplied more than three regular expressions for type or instance.

  • Fixed a problem involving ‘hidden’ ROIs in the hemibrain v1.0.

0.4.21 / 2022-05-14

  • Now heal_skeleton() is slightly faster in the case where no healing was necessary.

0.4.20 / 2022-05-13

  • By default, NeuronCriteria will now guess whether the type and instance contain a regular expression or not, so you don’t need to explicitly pass regex=True. Override the guess by specifying regex=True or regex=False.

0.4.19 / 2022-05-12

  • Added fetch_mean_synapses()

  • Added attach_synapses_to_skeleton()

0.4.18 / 2022-04-06

  • Fixed broken package distribution.

0.4.17 / 2022-04-06

  • [CHANGE IN RETURNED RESULTS] fetch_synapse_connections() now applies ROI filtering criteria to only the post-synaptic points, for consistency with fetch_adjacencies(). (See note in the docs.) This means that the number of synapses returned by fetch_synapse_connections() is now slightly different than it was in previous versions of neuprint-python.

  • In fetch_neurons(), better handling of old neuprint datasets which lack some fields (e.g. upstream, downstream, mito).

0.4.16 / 2021-11-30

  • NeuronCriteria has new fields to support upcoming datasets: somaSide, class_, statusLabel, hemilineage, exitNerve.

  • NeuronCriteria now permits you to search for neurons that contain (or lack) a particular property via a special value NotNull (or IsNull).

  • fetch_neurons() now returns all neuron properties.

  • fetch_neurons() now returns special rows for NotPrimary connection counts.

  • The per-ROI connection counts table returned by fetch_neurons() now includes rows for connections which fall outside of all primary ROIs. These are indicated by the special ROI name NotPrimary.

  • fetch_synapse_connections() uses a more fine-grained batching strategy, splitting the query across more requests to avoid timeouts.

  • Fixed a bug in fetch_shortest_paths() which caused it to generate invalid cypher if the intermediate_criteria used a list of bodyIds (or statuses, or rois, etc.) with more than three items.

  • fetch_output_completeness now accepts a list of statuses to use, rather than assuming only "Traced" neurons are complete.

  • Added utility function skeleton_segments().

0.4.15 / 2021-06-16

  • NeuronCriteria now accepts a boolean argument for soma, indicating the presence or absence of a soma on the body.

  • Added fetch_connection_mitochondria() for finding the nearest mitochondria on both sides of a tbar/psd pair. (#24)

  • Integrated with Zenodo for DOI generation.

0.4.14 / 2021-03-27

  • Updated to changes in the neuPrint mitochondria data model. Older versions of neuprint-python cannot query for mitochondria any more.

  • fetch_neurons(): Added new columns to the roi_counts_df result, for upstream, downstream, mito

  • fetch_skeletons(): Now supports with_distances option

  • NeuronCriteria permits lists of strings for type/instance regular expressions. (Previously, lists were only permitted when regex=False.)

  • Fixed a performance problem in fetch_synapse_connections()

  • More FAQ entries

0.4.13 / 2020-12-23

  • SynapseCriteria: Changed the default value of primary_only to True, since it may been counter-intuitive to obtain duplicate results by default.

  • NeuronCriteria: Added cellBodyFiber parameter. (Philipp Shlegel #13)

  • Added mitochondria queries

0.4.12 / 2020-11-21

  • Better handling when adjacency queries return empty results

  • Simulation: Minor change to subprocess communication implementation

  • Skeleton DataFrames use economical dtypes

  • Minor bug fixes and performance enhancements

  • fetch_synapse_connections(): Fix pandas error in assertion

0.4.11 / 2020-06-30

  • Fixed ngspice install instructions.

0.4.10 / 2020-06-30

  • Moved skeleton-related functions into their own module, and added a few more skeleton utilty functions

  • Simulation: Support Windows

  • heal_skeleton(): Allow caller to specify a maximum distance for repaired skeleton segments (#12)

0.4.9 / 2020-04-29

  • Added simulation functions and tutorial