
Convenience functions for common queries.

If you are familiar with the neuPrint data model and the cypher query language, you can write your own queries using fetch_custom. But the functions in this file offer a convenient API for common queries.

Server Built-in Queries

See the Client class reference for the neuprint server’s built-in (non-cypher) queries, such as skeletons, ROI meshes, ROI connectivity, and server metadata.


fetch_custom(cypher[, dataset, format, client])

Make a custom cypher query.

fetch_meta(*[, client])

Fetch the dataset metadata.


fetch_all_rois(*[, client])

List all ROIs in the dataset.

fetch_primary_rois(*[, client])

List 'primary' ROIs in the dataset.

fetch_roi_hierarchy([include_subprimary, ...])

Fetch the ROI hierarchy nesting relationships.


NeuronCriteria([matchvar, bodyId, type, ...])

Neuron selection criteria.

fetch_neurons([criteria, omit_rois, client])

Return properties and per-ROI synapse counts for a set of neurons.

fetch_custom_neurons(q, *[, client])

Return properties and per-ROI synapse counts for a set of neurons, using your own cypher query.



Find connections to/from small set(s) of neurons.

fetch_adjacencies([sources, targets, rois, ...])

Find connections to/from large sets of neurons, with per-ROI connection strengths.

fetch_traced_adjacencies([export_dir, ...])

Convenience function that calls fetch_adjacencies() for all Traced, non-cropped neurons.

fetch_common_connectivity(criteria[, ...])

Find shared connections among a set of neurons.

fetch_shortest_paths(upstream_bodyId, ...[, ...])

Find all neurons along the shortest path between two neurons.


SynapseCriteria([matchvar, rois, type, ...])

Synapse selection criteria.

fetch_synapses(neuron_criteria[, ...])

Fetch synapses from a neuron or selection of neurons.

fetch_mean_synapses(neuron_criteria[, ...])

Fetch average synapse position and confidence for each neuron in set of neurons.

fetch_synapse_connections([source_criteria, ...])

Fetch synaptic-level connections between source and target neurons.


MitoCriteria([matchvar, rois, mitoType, ...])

Mitochondrion selection criteria.

fetch_mitochondria(neuron_criteria[, ...])

Fetch mitochondria from a neuron or selection of neurons.


Fetch a set of synapses from a selection of neurons and also return their nearest mitocondria (by path-length within the neuron segment).

fetch_connection_mitochondria(...[, ...])

For a given set of source neurons and target neurons, find all synapse-level connections between the sources and targets, along with the nearest mitochondrion on the pre-synaptic side and the post-synaptic side.

Reconstruction Tools

fetch_output_completeness(criteria[, ...])

Compute an estimate of "output completeness" for a set of neurons.

fetch_downstream_orphan_tasks(criteria[, ...])

Fetch the set of "downstream orphans" for a given set of neurons.



neuprint.queries.fetch_custom(cypher, dataset='', format='pandas', *, client=None)[source]

Make a custom cypher query.

Alternative form of Client.fetch_custom(), as a free function. That is, fetch_custom(..., client=c) is equivalent to c.fetch_custom(...).

If client=None, the default Client is used (assuming you have created at least one Client.)

  • cypher – A cypher query string

  • dataset

    Deprecated. Please provide your dataset as a Client constructor argument.

    Which neuprint dataset to query against. If None provided, the client’s default dataset is used.

  • format – Either ‘pandas’ or ‘json’. Whether to load the results into a pandas DataFrame, or return the server’s raw json response as a Python dict.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


Either json or DataFrame, depending on format.

In [4]: from neuprint import fetch_custom
   ...: q = """\
   ...: MATCH (n:Neuron)
   ...: WHERE n.bodyId = 5813027016
   ...: RETURN n.type, n.instance
   ...: """
   ...: fetch_custom(q)
  n.type      n.instance
0   FB4Y  FB4Y(EB/NO1)_R
neuprint.queries.fetch_meta(*, client=None)[source]

Fetch the dataset metadata. Parses json fields as needed.




In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_meta

In [2]: meta = fetch_meta()

In [3]: list(meta.keys())


neuprint.queries.fetch_all_rois(*, client=None)[source]

List all ROIs in the dataset.

neuprint.queries.fetch_primary_rois(*, client=None)[source]

List ‘primary’ ROIs in the dataset. Primary ROIs do not overlap with each other.

neuprint.queries.fetch_roi_hierarchy(include_subprimary=True, mark_primary=True, format='dict', *, client=None)[source]

Fetch the ROI hierarchy nesting relationships.

Most ROIs in neuprint are part of a hierarchy of nested regions. The structure of the hierarchy is stored in the dataset metadata, and can be retrieved with this function.

  • include_subprimary – If True, all hierarchy levels are included in the output. Otherwise, the hierarchy will only go as deep as necessary to cover all “primary” ROIs, but not any sub-primary ROIs that are contained within them.

  • mark_primary – If True, append an asterisk (*) to the names of “primary” ROIs in the hierarchy. Primary ROIs do not overlap with each other.

  • format – Either "dict", "text", or nx. Specifies whether to return the hierarchy as a dict, or as a printable text-based tree, or as a networkx.DiGraph (requires networkx).


Either dict, str, or nx.DiGraph, depending on your chosen format.


In [1]: from neuprint.queries import fetch_roi_hierarchy
   ...: # Print the first few nodes of the tree -- you get the idea
   ...: roi_tree_text = fetch_roi_hierarchy(False, True, 'text')
   ...: print(roi_tree_text[:180])
 +-- AL(L)*
 +-- AL(R)*
 +-- AOT(R)
 +-- CX
 |   +-- AB(L)*
 |   +-- AB(R)*
 |   +-- EB*
 |   +-- FB*
 |   +-- NO*
 |   +-- PB*
 +-- GC
 +-- GF(R)
 +-- GNG*
 +-- INP


neuprint.queries.fetch_neurons(criteria=None, *, omit_rois=False, client=None)[source]

Return properties and per-ROI synapse counts for a set of neurons.

Searches for a set of Neurons (or Segments) that match the given NeuronCriteria. Returns their properties, including the distibution of their synapses in all brain regions.

This implements a superset of the features on the Neuprint Explorer Find Neurons page.

Returns data in the the same format as fetch_custom_neurons(), but doesn’t require you to write cypher.

  • criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Only Neurons which satisfy all components of the given criteria are returned. If no criteria is specified then the default NeuronCriteria() is used.

  • omit_rois (bool) – If True, the ROI columns are omitted from the output. If you don’t need ROI information, this can speed up the query.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


(neurons_df, roi_counts_df) unless omit_rois is True, in which case only neurons_df is returned.

In neurons_df, all available :Neuron columns are returned, with the following changes:

  • ROI boolean columns are removed

  • roiInfo is parsed as json data

  • coordinates (such as somaLocation) are provided as a list [x, y, z]

  • New columns input_rois and output_rois contain lists of each neuron’s ROIs.

In roi_counts_df, the roiInfo has been loadded into a table of per-neuron-per-ROI synapse counts, with separate columns for pre (outputs) and post (inputs).


In roi_counts_df, the sum of the pre and post counts will be more than the total pre and post values returned in neuron_df. That is, synapses are double-counted (or triple-counted, etc.) in roi_counts_df. This is because ROIs form a hierarchical structure, so each synapse intersects more than one ROI. See fetch_roi_hierarchy() for more information.


Connections which fall outside of all primary ROIs are listed via special entries using NotPrimary in place of an ROI name. The term NotPrimary is introduced by this function. It isn’t used internally by the neuprint database.

Return type:

Two DataFrames

See also

fetch_custom_neurons() produces similar output, but permits you to supply your own cypher query directly.


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_neurons, NeuronCriteria as NC

In [2]: neurons_df, roi_counts_df = fetch_neurons(
   ...:     NC(inputRois=['SIP(R)', 'aL(R)'],
   ...:        status='Traced',
   ...:        type='MBON.*'))

In [3]: neurons_df.iloc[:5, :11]
      bodyId                     instance    type cellBodyFiber   pre   post        size  status  cropped     statusLabel  somaRadius
0  300972942                 MBON14(a3)_R  MBON14           NaN   543  13634  1563154937  Traced    False  Roughly traced         NaN
1  422725634        MBON06(B1>a)(AVM07)_L  MBON06           NaN  1356  20978  3118269136  Traced    False  Roughly traced         NaN
2  423382015        MBON23(a2sp)(PDL05)_R  MBON23          SFS1   733   4466   857093893  Traced    False  Roughly traced       291.0
3  423774471       MBON19(a2p3p)(PDL05)_R  MBON19          SFS1   299   1484   628019179  Traced    False  Roughly traced       286.0
4  424767514  MBON11(y1pedc>a/B)(ADM05)_R  MBON11        mAOTU2  1643  27641  5249327644  Traced    False          Traced       694.5

In [4]: neurons_df['inputRois'].head()
0    [MB(+ACA)(R), MB(R), None, SIP(R), SLP(R), SMP...
1    [CRE(-ROB,-RUB)(R), CRE(R), INP, MB(+ACA)(R), ...
2    [MB(+ACA)(R), MB(R), None, SIP(R), SLP(R), SMP...
3    [MB(+ACA)(R), MB(R), SIP(R), SMP(R), SNP(R), a...
4    [CRE(-ROB,-RUB)(R), CRE(L), CRE(R), INP, MB(+A...
Name: inputRois, dtype: object

In [5]: roi_counts_df.head()
      bodyId          roi  pre   post
0  300972942        MB(R)   17  13295
1  300972942        aL(R)   17  13271
2  300972942        a3(R)   17  13224
3  300972942  MB(+ACA)(R)   17  13295
4  300972942       SNP(R)  526    336
neuprint.queries.fetch_custom_neurons(q, *, client=None)[source]

Return properties and per-ROI synapse counts for a set of neurons, using your own cypher query.

Use a custom query to fetch a neuron table, with nicer output than you would get from a call to fetch_custom().

Returns data in the the same format as fetch_neurons(). but allows you to provide your own cypher query logic (subject to certain requirements; see below).

This function includes all Neuron fields in the results, and also sends back ROI counts as a separate table.

  • q

    Custom query. Must match a neuron named n, and must RETURN n.

    MATCH (n :Neuron)
    RETURN n

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


Two DataFrames. (neurons_df, roi_counts_df)

In neurons_df, all available columns :Neuron columns are returned, with the following changes:

  • ROI boolean columns are removed

  • roiInfo is parsed as json data

  • coordinates (such as somaLocation) are provided as a list [x, y, z]

  • New columns inputRoi and outputRoi contain lists of each neuron’s ROIs.

In roi_counts_df, the roiInfo has been loaded into a table of per-neuron-per-ROI synapse counts, with separate columns for pre (outputs) and post (inputs).

Connections which fall outside of all primary ROIs are listed via special entries using NotPrimary in place of an ROI name. The term NotPrimary is introduced by this function. It isn’t used internally by the neuprint database.


neuprint.queries.fetch_simple_connections(upstream_criteria=None, downstream_criteria=None, rois=None, min_weight=1, properties=['type', 'instance'], *, client=None)[source]

Find connections to/from small set(s) of neurons. Most users should prefer fetch_adjacencies() instead of this function.

Finds all connections from a set of “upstream” neurons, or to a set of “downstream” neurons, or all connections from a set of upstream neurons to a set of downstream neurons.


This function is not intended to be used with very large sets of neurons. Furthermore, it does not return ROI information in a convenient format. But the simple output table it returns is sometimes convenient for small, interactive queries.

To fetch all adjacencies between a large set of neurons, see fetch_adjacencies(), which also has additional ROI-filtering options, and also returns ROI info in a separate table.

  • upstream_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – How to filter for neurons on the presynaptic side of connections.

  • downstream_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – How to filter for neurons on the postsynaptic side of connections.

  • rois – Limit results to neuron pairs that connect in at least one of the given ROIs. Note that the total weight of each connection may include connections outside of the listed ROIs, too.

  • min_weight – Exclude connections whose total weight (across all ROIs) falls below this threshold.

  • properties – Additional columns to include in the results, for both the upstream and downstream body.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame One row per connection, with columns for upstream (pre-synaptic) and downstream (post-synaptic) properties.


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_simple_connections
   ...: sources = [329566174, 425790257, 424379864, 329599710]
   ...: targets = [425790257, 424379864, 329566174, 329599710, 420274150]
   ...: fetch_simple_connections(sources, targets)
   bodyId_pre  bodyId_post  weight                   type_pre                  type_post         instance_pre        instance_post                                       conn_roiInfo
0   329566174    425790257      43                    OA-VPM3                        APL   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R                APL_R  {'MB(R)': {'pre': 39, 'post': 39}, 'b'L(R)': {...
1   329566174    424379864      37                    OA-VPM3                 AVM03e_pct   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R  AVM03e_pct(AVM03)_R  {'SNP(R)': {'pre': 34, 'post': 34}, 'SLP(R)': ...
2   425790257    329566174      12                        APL                    OA-VPM3                APL_R   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R  {'MB(R)': {'pre': 12, 'post': 12}, 'gL(R)': {'...
3   424379864    329566174       7                 AVM03e_pct                    OA-VPM3  AVM03e_pct(AVM03)_R   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R  {'SNP(R)': {'pre': 5, 'post': 5}, 'SLP(R)': {'...
4   329599710    329566174       4  olfactory multi lvPN mALT                    OA-VPM3        mPNX(AVM06)_R   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R  {'SNP(R)': {'pre': 4, 'post': 4}, 'SIP(R)': {'...
5   329566174    329599710       1                    OA-VPM3  olfactory multi lvPN mALT   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R        mPNX(AVM06)_R  {'SNP(R)': {'pre': 1, 'post': 1}, 'SLP(R)': {'...
6   329566174    420274150       1                    OA-VPM3                 AVM03m_pct   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R  AVM03m_pct(AVM03)_R  {'SNP(R)': {'pre': 1, 'post': 1}, 'SLP(R)': {'...
neuprint.queries.fetch_adjacencies(sources=None, targets=None, rois=None, min_roi_weight=1, min_total_weight=1, include_nonprimary=False, export_dir=None, batch_size=200, properties=['type', 'instance'], *, client=None)[source]

Find connections to/from large sets of neurons, with per-ROI connection strengths.

Fetches the adjacency table for connections between sets of neurons, broken down by ROI. Unless include_nonprimary=True, only primary ROIs are included in the per-ROI connection table. Connections outside of the primary ROIs are labeled with the special name "NotPrimary" (which is not currently an ROI name in neuprint itself).


fetch_simple_connections() has similar functionality, but that function isn’t suitable for querying large sets of neurons. However, it may be more convenient for small interactive queries.

  • sources (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Limit results to connections from bodies that match this criteria. If None, all neurons upstream of targets will be fetched.

  • targets (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Limit results to connections to bodies that match this criteria. If None, all neurons downstream of sources will be fetched.

  • rois – Limit results to connections within the listed ROIs.

  • min_roi_weight – Limit results to connections of at least this strength within at least one of the returned ROIs.

  • min_total_weight

    Limit results to connections that are at least this strong when totaled across all ROIs.


    Even if min_roi_weight is also specified, all connections are counted towards satisfying the total weight threshold, even though some ROI entries are filtered out. Therefore, some connections in the results may appear not to satisfy min_total_weight when their per-ROI weights are totaled. That’s just because you filtered out the weak per-ROI entries.

  • include_nonprimary

    If True, also list per-ROI totals for non-primary ROIs (i.e. parts of the ROI hierarchy that are sub-primary or super-primary). See fetch_roi_hierarchy() for details.


    Since non-primary ROIs overlap with primary ROIs, then the sum of the weight column for each body pair will not be equal to the total connection strength between the bodies. (Some connections will be counted twice.)

  • export_dir – Optional. Export CSV files for the neuron table, connection table (total weight), and connection table (per ROI).

  • batch_size – For optimal performance, connections will be fetched in batches. This parameter specifies the batch size.

  • properties – Which Neuron properties to include in the output table.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


Two DataFrames, (neurons_df, roi_conn_df), containing a table of neuron IDs and the per-ROI connection table, respectively. See caveat above concerning non-primary ROIs.


In [1]: from neuprint import Client
   ...: c = Client('neuprint.janelia.org', dataset='hemibrain:v1.2.1')

In [2]: from neuprint import fetch_adjacencies
   ...: sources = [329566174, 425790257, 424379864, 329599710]
   ...: targets = [425790257, 424379864, 329566174, 329599710, 420274150]
   ...: neuron_df, connection_df = fetch_adjacencies(sources, targets)

In [3]: neuron_df
      bodyId             instance                       type
0  329566174   OA-VPM3(NO2/NO3)_R                    OA-VPM3
1  329599710        mPNX(AVM06)_R  olfactory multi lvPN mALT
2  424379864  AVM03e_pct(AVM03)_R                 AVM03e_pct
3  425790257                APL_R                        APL
4  420274150  AVM03m_pct(AVM03)_R                 AVM03m_pct

In [4]: connection_df
    bodyId_pre  bodyId_post     roi  weight
0    329566174    329599710  SLP(R)       1
1    329566174    420274150  SLP(R)       1
2    329566174    424379864  SLP(R)      31
3    329566174    424379864  SCL(R)       3
4    329566174    424379864  SIP(R)       3
5    329566174    425790257   gL(R)      17
6    329566174    425790257   CA(R)      10
7    329566174    425790257  CRE(R)       4
8    329566174    425790257  b'L(R)       3
9    329566174    425790257   aL(R)       3
10   329566174    425790257  PED(R)       3
11   329566174    425790257   bL(R)       2
12   329566174    425790257  a'L(R)       1
13   329599710    329566174  SLP(R)       3
14   329599710    329566174  SIP(R)       1
15   424379864    329566174  SLP(R)       4
16   424379864    329566174  SCL(R)       2
17   424379864    329566174  SIP(R)       1
18   425790257    329566174   gL(R)       8
19   425790257    329566174   CA(R)       3
20   425790257    329566174   aL(R)       1

Total Connection Strength

To aggregate the per-ROI connection weights into total connection weights, use groupby(...)['weight'].sum()

In [5]: connection_df.groupby(['bodyId_pre', 'bodyId_post'], as_index=False)['weight'].sum()
   bodyId_pre  bodyId_post  weight
0   329566174    329599710       1
1   329566174    420274150       1
2   329566174    424379864      37
3   329566174    425790257      43
4   329599710    329566174       4
5   424379864    329566174       7
6   425790257    329566174      12
neuprint.queries.fetch_traced_adjacencies(export_dir=None, batch_size=200, *, client=None)[source]

Convenience function that calls fetch_adjacencies() for all Traced, non-cropped neurons.


On the hemibrain dataset, this function takes a few minutes to run, and the results are somewhat large (~300 MB).


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_traced_adjacencies

In [2]: neurons_df, roi_conn_df = fetch_traced_adjacencies('exported-connections')

In [3]: roi_conn_df.head()
       bodyId_pre  bodyId_post        roi  weight
0      5813009352    516098538     SNP(R)       2
1      5813009352    516098538     SLP(R)       2
2       326119769    516098538     SNP(R)       1
3       326119769    516098538     SLP(R)       1
4       915960391    202916528         FB       1

In [4]: # Obtain total weights (instead of per-connection-per-ROI weights)
   ...: conn_groups = roi_conn_df.groupby(['bodyId_pre', 'bodyId_post'], as_index=False)
   ...: total_conn_df = conn_groups['weight'].sum()
   ...: total_conn_df.head()
   bodyId_pre  bodyId_post  weight
0   202916528    203253253       2
1   202916528    203257652       2
2   202916528    203598557       2
3   202916528    234292899       4
4   202916528    264986706       2
neuprint.queries.fetch_common_connectivity(criteria, search_direction='upstream', min_weight=1, properties=['type', 'instance'], *, client=None)[source]

Find shared connections among a set of neurons.

Given a set of neurons that match the given criteria, find neurons that connect to ALL of the neurons in the set, i.e. connections that are common to all neurons in the matched set.

This is the Python equivalent to the Neuprint Explorer Common Connectivity page.

  • criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Used to determine the match set, for which common connections will be found.

  • search_direction ("upstream" or "downstream") – Whether or not to search for common connections upstream of the matched neurons or downstream of the matched neurons.

  • min_weight – Connections below the given strength will not be included in the results.

  • properties – Additional columns to include in the results, for both the upstream and downstream body.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame. (Same format as returned by fetch_simple_connections().) One row per connection, with columns for upstream and downstream properties. For instance, if search_direction="upstream", then the matched neurons will appear in the _post columns, and the common connections will appear in the _pre columns.

neuprint.queries.fetch_shortest_paths(upstream_bodyId, downstream_bodyId, min_weight=1, intermediate_criteria=None, timeout=5.0, *, client=None)[source]

Find all neurons along the shortest path between two neurons.

  • upstream_bodyId – The starting neuron

  • downstream_bodyId – The destination neuron

  • min_weight – Minimum connection strength for each step in the path.

  • intermediate_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Filtering criteria for neurons on path. All intermediate neurons in the path must satisfy this criteria. By default, NeuronCriteria(status="Traced") is used.

  • timeout – Give up after this many seconds, in which case an empty DataFrame is returned. No exception is raised!

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


All paths are concatenated into a single DataFrame. The path column indicates which path that row belongs to. The weight column indicates the connection strength to that body from the previous body in the path.


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_shortest_paths
   ...: fetch_shortest_paths(329566174, 294792184, min_weight=10)
      path     bodyId                       type  weight
0        0  329566174                    OA-VPM3       0
1        0  517169460                 PDL05h_pct      11
2        0  297251714                ADM01om_pct      15
3        0  294424196                PDL13ob_pct      11
4        0  295133927               PDM18a_d_pct      10
...    ...        ...                        ...     ...
5773   962  511271574                 ADL24h_pct      43
5774   962  480923210                PDL10od_pct      18
5775   962  294424196                PDL13ob_pct      21
5776   962  295133927               PDM18a_d_pct      10
5777   962  294792184  olfactory multi vPN mlALT      10

[5778 rows x 4 columns]


neuprint.queries.fetch_synapses(neuron_criteria, synapse_criteria=None, batch_size=10, *, client=None)[source]

Fetch synapses from a neuron or selection of neurons.

  • neuron_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Determines which bodies to fetch synapses for.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • synapse_criteria (SynapseCriteria) –

    Optional. Allows you to filter synapses by roi, type, confidence. See SynapseCriteria for details.

    If the criteria specifies primary_only=True only primary ROIs will be returned in the results. If a synapse does not intersect any primary ROI, it will be listed with an roi of None. (Since ‘primary’ ROIs do not overlap, each synapse will be listed only once.) Otherwise, all ROI names will be included in the results. In that case, some synapses will be listed multiple times – once per intersecting ROI. If a synapse does not intersect any ROI, it will be listed with an roi of None.

  • batch_size – To improve performance and avoid timeouts, the synapses for multiple bodies will be fetched in batches, where each batch corresponds to N bodies. This argument sets the batch size N.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame in which each row represent a single synapse. Unless primary_only was specified, some synapses may be listed more than once, if they reside in more than one overlapping ROI.


In [1]: from neuprint import NeuronCriteria as NC, SynapseCriteria as SC, fetch_synapses
   ...: fetch_synapses(NC(type='ADL.*', rois=['FB']),
   ...:                SC(rois=['LH(R)', 'SIP(R)'], primary_only=True))
        bodyId  type     roi      x      y      z  confidence
0   5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
1   5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
2   5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
3   5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
4   5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
5   5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
6   5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
7   5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
8   5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
9   5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
10  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
11  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
12  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
13  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
14  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
15  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
16  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
17  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
18  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
19  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
20  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
21  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5434  21270  19201    0.995000
22  5812983094   pre   LH(R)   5447  21281  19155    0.991000
23  5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
24  5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
25  5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
26  5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
27  5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
28  5812983094   pre  SIP(R)  15300  25268  14043    0.992000
29   764377593  post   LH(R)   8043  21587  15146    0.804000
30   764377593  post   LH(R)   8057  21493  15140    0.906482
31   859152522   pre  SIP(R)  13275  25499  13629    0.997000
32   859152522   pre  SIP(R)  13275  25499  13629    0.997000
33   859152522  post  SIP(R)  13349  25337  13653    0.818386
34   859152522  post  SIP(R)  12793  26362  14202    0.926918
35   859152522   pre  SIP(R)  13275  25499  13629    0.997000
neuprint.queries.fetch_mean_synapses(neuron_criteria, synapse_criteria=None, batch_size=100, *, by_roi=True, client=None)[source]

Fetch average synapse position and confidence for each neuron in set of neurons.

  • neuron_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Determines which bodies to fetch synapses for.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • synapse_criteria (SynapseCriteria) –

    Optional. Allows you to filter synapses by roi, type, confidence. See SynapseCriteria for details.

    If the criteria specifies primary_only=True only primary ROIs will be returned in the results. If a synapse does not intersect any primary ROI, it will be ignored by this function.

  • batch_size – To improve performance and avoid timeouts, the synapses for multiple bodies will be processed in batches, where each batch corresponds to N bodies. This argument sets the batch size N.

  • by_roi

    If by_roi=True (the default), return separate rows for each ROI in each neuron. If by_roi=False, then return the mean for the entire neuron in each case, without respect to ROI.


    Even if by_roi=False, the set of averaged synapses will be restricted to the ROIs listed in your synapse_critera (if any).

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame in which each row contains the average synapse position and average confidence for a particular body, ROI, and synapse type (pre/post).


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_mean_synapses, SynapseCriteria as SC
   ...: fetch_mean_synapses('LC10', SC(type='pre', rois=['LO(R)', 'AOTU(R)']))
        bodyId      roi type  count             x             y             z  confidence
0    1017448980  AOTU(R)  pre    141  10691.737305  30304.355469  15508.099609    0.956000
1    1017448980    LO(R)  pre      2   8530.500000  18898.000000  34857.000000    0.954500
2    1017090133  AOTU(R)  pre     49  10560.469727  31032.041016  14548.550781    0.956286
3    1017090133    LO(R)  pre     52   3737.115479  19489.923828  29530.000000    0.949673
4    1017094185  AOTU(R)  pre    157  10922.248047  30326.693359  15349.484375    0.959185
..          ...      ...  ...    ...           ...           ...           ...         ...
772  1262602271    LO(R)  pre      3   5178.666504  14584.666992  23227.333984    0.957333
773  1291573712  AOTU(R)  pre    273  11285.106445  31097.925781  15987.640625    0.954418
774  1291573712    LO(R)  pre      3   6482.000000  13845.333008  25962.666016    0.936333
775  5812993252  AOTU(R)  pre     17  11110.706055  30892.470703  17220.175781    0.960471
776  5812993252    LO(R)  pre     39   7758.897461  11723.154297  28176.794922    0.943128
neuprint.queries.fetch_synapse_connections(source_criteria=None, target_criteria=None, synapse_criteria=None, min_total_weight=1, batch_size=10000, *, client=None)[source]

Fetch synaptic-level connections between source and target neurons.


Use this function if you need information about individual synapse connections, such as their exact positions or confidence scores. If you’re just interested in aggregate neuron-to-neuron connection info (including connection strengths and ROI intersections), see fetch_simple_connections() and fetch_adjacencies(), which are faster and have more condensed outputs than this function.


If you experience timeouts while running this function, try reducing the batch_size setting.

  • source_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Criteria to by which to filter source (pre-synaptic) neurons. If omitted, all Neurons will be considered as possible sources.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • target_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Criteria to by which to filter target (post-synaptic) neurons. If omitted, all Neurons will be considered as possible targets.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • synapse_criteria (SynapseCriteria) –

    Optional. Allows you to filter synapses by roi or confidence. The same criteria is used to filter both pre and post sides of the connection, except for the rois – see note below. By default, SynapseCriteria(primary_only=True) is used, with no additional filters.

    If primary_only is specified in the criteria, then the resulting roi_pre and roi_post columns will contain a single string (or None) in every row.

    Otherwise, the roi columns will contain a list of ROIs for every row. (Primary ROIs do not overlap, so every synapse resides in only one (or zero) primary ROI.) See SynapseCriteria for details.


    Any rois specified in your synapse_criteria will be used to filter the target (post-synaptic) side of the synapse connection, but not the pre-synaptic side. So in the rare cases where the pre and post synapses reside on different sides of an ROI boundary, the connection is associated with the post-synaptic ROI.

    That’s consistent with neuprint’s conventions for ROI assignment in the neuron-to-neuron ConnectsTo: relationship, and thus ensures that this function returns synapse counts that are consistent with fetch_adjacencies().

  • min_total_weight

    If the total weight of the connection between two bodies is not at least this strong, don’t include the synapses for that connection in the results.


    This filters for total connection weight, regardless of the weight within any particular ROI. So, if your SynapseCriteria limits results to a particular ROI, but two bodies connect in multiple ROIs, then the number of synapses returned for the two bodies may appear to be less than min_total_weight. That’s because you filtered out the synapses in other ROIs.

  • batch_size – To avoid timeouts and improve performance, the synapse connections will be fetched in batches. The batching strategy is to process each body one at a time, and if it has lots of connection partners, split the request across several batches to avoid timeouts that could arise from a large request. This argument specifies the maximum size of each batch in the inner loop. Larger batches are more efficient to fetch, but increase the likelihood of timeouts.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame in which each row represents a single synaptic connection between an upstream (pre-synaptic) body and downstream (post-synaptic) body.

Synapse locations are listed in columns [x_pre, y_pre, z_pre] and [x_post, y_post, z_post] for the upstream and downstream synapses, respectively.

The roi_pre and roi_post columns will contain either strings or lists-of-strings, depending on the primary_only synapse criteria as described above.


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_synapse_connections, SynapseCriteria as SC
   ...: fetch_synapse_connections(792368888, None, SC(rois=['PED(R)', 'SMP(R)'], primary_only=True))
    bodyId_pre  bodyId_post roi_pre roi_post  x_pre  y_pre  z_pre  x_post  y_post  z_post  confidence_pre  confidence_post
0    792368888    754547386  PED(R)   PED(R)  14013  27747  19307   13992   27720   19313           0.996         0.401035
1    792368888    612742248  PED(R)   PED(R)  14049  27681  19417   14044   27662   19408           0.921         0.881487
2    792368888   5901225361  PED(R)   PED(R)  14049  27681  19417   14055   27653   19420           0.921         0.436177
3    792368888   5813117385  SMP(R)   SMP(R)  23630  29443  16297   23634   29437   16279           0.984         0.970746
4    792368888   5813083733  SMP(R)   SMP(R)  23630  29443  16297   23634   29419   16288           0.984         0.933871
5    792368888   5813058320  SMP(R)   SMP(R)  18662  34144  12692   18655   34155   12697           0.853         0.995000
6    792368888   5812981989  PED(R)   PED(R)  14331  27921  20099   14351   27928   20085           0.904         0.877373
7    792368888   5812981381  PED(R)   PED(R)  14331  27921  20099   14301   27919   20109           0.904         0.567321
8    792368888   5812981381  PED(R)   PED(R)  14013  27747  19307   14020   27747   19285           0.996         0.697836
9    792368888   5812979314  PED(R)   PED(R)  14331  27921  20099   14329   27942   20109           0.904         0.638362
10   792368888    424767514  PED(R)   PED(R)  14331  27921  20099   14324   27934   20085           0.904         0.985734
11   792368888    424767514  PED(R)   PED(R)  14013  27747  19307   14020   27760   19294           0.996         0.942831
12   792368888    424767514  PED(R)   PED(R)  14049  27681  19417   14040   27663   19420           0.921         0.993586
13   792368888    331662710  SMP(R)   SMP(R)  23630  29443  16297   23644   29429   16302           0.984         0.996389
14   792368888   1196854070  PED(R)   PED(R)  14331  27921  20099   14317   27935   20101           0.904         0.968408
15   792368888   1131831702  SMP(R)   SMP(R)  23630  29443  16297   23651   29434   16316           0.984         0.362952


neuprint.queries.fetch_mitochondria(neuron_criteria, mito_criteria=None, batch_size=10, *, client=None)[source]

Fetch mitochondria from a neuron or selection of neurons.

  • neuron_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Determines which bodies from which to fetch mitochondria.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which mitochondria are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • mito_criteria (MitoCriteria) –

    Optional. Allows you to filter mitochondria by roi, mitoType, size. See MitoCriteria for details.

    If the criteria specifies primary_only=True only primary ROIs will be returned in the results. If a mitochondrion does not intersect any primary ROI, it will be listed with an roi of None. (Since ‘primary’ ROIs do not overlap, each mitochondrion will be listed only once.) Otherwise, all ROI names will be included in the results. In that case, some mitochondria will be listed multiple times – once per intersecting ROI. If a mitochondria does not intersect any ROI, it will be listed with an roi of None.

  • batch_size – To improve performance and avoid timeouts, the mitochondria for multiple bodies will be fetched in batches, where each batch corresponds to N bodies.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame in which each row represent a single synapse. If primary_only=False was specified in mito_criteria, some mitochondria may be listed more than once, if they reside in more than one overlapping ROI.


In [1]: from neuprint import NeuronCriteria as NC, SynapseCriteria as SC, fetch_synapses
   ...: # Consider only neurons which innervate EB
   ...: nc = NC(type='ExR.*', rois=['EB'])
   ...: # But return only large mitos from those neurons that reside in the FB or LAL(R)
   ...: mc = MC(rois=['FB', 'LAL(R)'], size=100_000)
   ...: fetch_mitochondria(nc, mc)
          bodyId mitoType     roi      x      y      z     size          r0         r1        r2
0     1136865339     dark  LAL(R)  15094  30538  23610   259240  101.586632  31.482559  0.981689
1     1136865339     dark  LAL(R)  14526  30020  23464   297784   67.174950  36.328964  0.901079
2     1136865339     dark  LAL(R)  15196  30386  23336   133168   54.907104  25.761894  0.912385
3     1136865339     dark  LAL(R)  14962  30126  23184   169776   66.780258  27.168915  0.942389
4     1136865339     dark  LAL(R)  15004  30252  23164   148528   69.316467  24.082989  0.951892
...          ...      ...     ...    ...    ...    ...      ...         ...        ...       ...
2807  1259386264     dark      FB  18926  24632  21046   159184   99.404472  21.919170  0.984487
2808  1259386264     dark      FB  22162  24474  22486   127968   94.380531  20.547171  0.985971
2809  1259386264   medium      FB  19322  24198  21952  1110888  116.050323  66.010017  0.954467
2810  1259386264     dark      FB  19272  23632  21728   428168   87.865768  40.370171  0.944690
2811  1259386264     dark      FB  19208  23442  21602   141928   53.694149  29.956501  0.919831

[2812 rows x 10 columns]
neuprint.queries.fetch_synapses_and_closest_mitochondria(neuron_criteria, synapse_criteria=None, *, batch_size=10, client=None)[source]

Fetch a set of synapses from a selection of neurons and also return their nearest mitocondria (by path-length within the neuron segment).


Some synapses have no nearby mitochondria, possibly due to fragmented segmentation around the synapse point. Such synapses ARE NOT RETURNED by this function. They’re omitted.

  • neuron_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Determines which bodies to fetch synapses for.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • synapse_criteria (SynapseCriteria) –

    Optional. Allows you to filter synapses by roi, type, confidence. See SynapseCriteria for details.

    If the criteria specifies primary_only=True only primary ROIs will be returned in the results. If a synapse does not intersect any primary ROI, it will be listed with an roi of None. (Since ‘primary’ ROIs do not overlap, each synapse will be listed only once.) Otherwise, all ROI names will be included in the results. In that case, some synapses will be listed multiple times – once per intersecting ROI. If a synapse does not intersect any ROI, it will be listed with an roi of None.

  • batch_size – To improve performance and avoid timeouts, the synapses for multiple bodies will be fetched in batches, where each batch corresponds to N bodies. This argument sets the batch size N.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.


DataFrame in which each row represent a single synapse, along with information about its closest mitochondrion. Unless primary_only was specified, some synapses may be listed more than once, if they reside in more than one overlapping ROI.

The synapse coordinates will be returned in columns x,y,z, and the mitochondria centroids will be stored in columns mx,my,mz.

The distance column indicates the distance from the synapse coordinate to the nearest edge of the mitochondria (not the centroid), as traveled along the neuron dendrite (not euclidean distance). The distance is given in voxel units (e.g. 8nm), not nanometers. See release notes concerning the estimated error of these measurements.


In [1]: from neuprint import fetch_synapses_and_closest_mitochondria, NeuronCriteria as NC, SynapseCriteria as SC
   ...: fetch_synapses_and_closest_mitochondria(NC(type='ExR2'), SC(type='pre'))
          bodyId type     roi      x      y      z  confidence mitoType    distance    size     mx     my     mz          r0         r1        r2
0     1136865339  pre      EB  25485  22873  19546       0.902   medium  214.053040  410544  25544  23096  19564  105.918625  35.547806  0.969330
1     1136865339  pre      EB  25985  25652  23472       0.930     dark   19.313709   90048  26008  25646  23490   81.459419  21.493509  0.988575
2     1136865339  pre  LAL(R)  14938  29149  22604       0.826     dark  856.091736  495208  14874  29686  22096   64.086639  46.906826  0.789570
3     1136865339  pre      EB  24387  23583  20681       0.945     dark   78.424950  234760  24424  23536  20752   80.774353  29.854616  0.957713
4     1136865339  pre   BU(R)  16909  25233  17658       0.994     dark  230.588562  215160  16862  25418  17824   42.314690  36.891937  0.628753
...          ...  ...     ...    ...    ...    ...         ...      ...         ...     ...    ...    ...    ...         ...        ...       ...
4508   787762461  pre   BU(R)  16955  26697  17300       0.643     dark  105.765854  176952  16818  26642  17200   91.884338  22.708199  0.975422
4509   787762461  pre  LAL(R)  15008  28293  25995       0.747     dark  112.967644  446800  15044  28166  26198  176.721512  27.971079  0.992517
4510   787762461  pre      EB  23468  24073  20882       0.757     dark  248.562714   92536  23400  23852  20760   39.696674  27.490204  0.860198
4511   787762461  pre   BU(R)  18033  25846  20393       0.829     dark   38.627419  247640  18028  25846  20328   73.585144  29.661413  0.929788
4512   787762461  pre      EB  22958  24565  20340       0.671     dark  218.104736  120880  23148  24580  20486   39.752777  32.047478  0.821770

[4513 rows x 16 columns]
neuprint.queries.fetch_connection_mitochondria(source_criteria, target_criteria, synapse_criteria=None, min_total_weight=1, *, client=None)[source]

For a given set of source neurons and target neurons, find all synapse-level connections between the sources and targets, along with the nearest mitochondrion on the pre-synaptic side and the post-synaptic side.

Returns a table similar to fetch_synapse_connections(), but with extra _pre and _post columns to describe the nearest mitochondria to the pre/post synapse in the connection. If a given synapse has no nearby mitochondrion, the corresponding mito columns will be populated with NaN values. (This is typically much more likely to occur on the post-synaptic side than the pre-synaptic side.)

Arguments are the same as fetch_synapse_connections()


This function does not employ a custom cypher query to minimize the data fetched from the server. Instead, it makes multiple calls to the server and merges the results on the client.

  • source_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Criteria to by which to filter source (pre-synaptic) neurons. If omitted, all Neurons will be considered as possible sources.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • target_criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) –

    Criteria to by which to filter target (post-synaptic) neurons. If omitted, all Neurons will be considered as possible sources.


    Any ROI criteria specified in this argument does not affect which synapses are returned, only which bodies are inspected.

  • synapse_criteria (SynapseCriteria) –

    Optional. Allows you to filter synapses by roi, type, confidence. The same criteria is used to filter both pre and post sides of the connection. By default, SynapseCriteria(primary_only=True) is used.

    If primary_only is specified in the criteria, then the resulting roi_pre and roi_post columns will contain a single string (or None) in every row.

    Otherwise, the roi columns will contain a list of ROIs for every row. (Primary ROIs do not overlap, so every synapse resides in only one (or zero) primary ROI.) See SynapseCriteria for details.

  • min_total_weight

    If the total weight of the connection between two bodies is not at least this strong, don’t include the synapses for that connection in the results.


    This filters for total connection weight, regardless of the weight within any particular ROI. So, if your SynapseCriteria limits results to a particular ROI, but two bodies connect in multiple ROIs, then the number of synapses returned for the two bodies may appear to be less than min_total_weight. That’s because you filtered out the synapses in other ROIs.

  • client – If not provided, the global default Client will be used.

Reconstruction Tools

neuprint.queries.fetch_output_completeness(criteria, complete_statuses=['Traced'], batch_size=1000, *, client=None)[source]

Compute an estimate of “output completeness” for a set of neurons. Output completeness is defined as the fraction of post-synaptic connections which belong to ‘complete’ neurons, as defined by their status.

  • criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Defines the set of neurons for which output completeness should be computed.

  • complete_statuses – A list of neuron statuses should be considered complete for the purposes of this function.


DataFrame with columns ['bodyId', 'completeness', 'traced_weight', 'untraced_weight', 'total_weight']

For the purposes of these results, any statuses in the set of complete_statuses are considered ‘traced’.

neuprint.queries.fetch_downstream_orphan_tasks(criteria, complete_statuses=['Traced'], *, client=None)[source]

Fetch the set of “downstream orphans” for a given set of neurons.

Returns a single DataFrame, where the downstream orphans have been sorted by the weight of the connection, and their cumulative contributions to the overall output-completeness of the upstream neuron is also given.

That is, if you started tracing orphans from this DataFrame in order, then the cum_completeness column indicates how complete the upstream body is after each orphan becomes traced.


criteria (bodyId(s), type/instance, or NeuronCriteria) – Determines the set of “upstream” bodies for which downstream orphans should be identified.


DataFrame, where bodyId_pre contains the upstream bodies you specified via criteria, and bodyId_post contains the list of downstream orphans.


In [1]: orphan_tasks = fetch_downstream_orphan_tasks(NC(status='Traced', cropped=False, rois=['PB']))

In [1]: orphan_tasks.query('cum_completeness < 0.2').head(10)
       bodyId_pre  bodyId_post  orphan_weight status_post  total_weight  orig_traced_weight  orig_untraced_weight  orig_completeness  cum_orphan_weight  cum_completeness
6478    759685279    759676733              2      Assign          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  2          0.184221
8932    759685279    913193340              1        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  3          0.184350
8943    759685279    913529796              1        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  4          0.184479
8950    759685279    913534416              1        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  5          0.184607
12121  1002507170   1387701052              1        None           522                 102                   420           0.195402                  1          0.197318
35764   759685279    790382544              1        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  6          0.184736
36052   759685279    851023555              1      Assign          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  7          0.184865
36355   759685279    974908767              2        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                  9          0.185123
36673   759685279   1252526211              1        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                 10          0.185252
44840   759685279   1129418900              1        None          7757                1427                  6330           0.183963                 11          0.185381