
This page corresponds to a Jupyter notebook you can try out yourself.
(The original version is here.)

Query Tutorial

# The plotting examples below require holoviews, hvplot, and bokeh:
# conda install -c conda-forge bokeh holoviews hvplot
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import bokeh
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv

import bokeh.palettes
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook
Loading BokehJS ...

Create a Client

Before you begin, you must create a Client object. It will be stored globally and used for all communication with the neuprint server.

Initialize it with your personal authentication token. See the Quickstart guide for details.

from neuprint import Client

TOKEN = "" # <--- Paste your token here
           # (or define NEUPRINT_APPLICATION CREDENTIALS in your environment)

c = Client('', 'hemibrain:v1.2.1', TOKEN)


In neuprint, each neuron is annotated with the list of regions (ROIs) it intersects, along with the synapse counts in each.

The ROIs comprise a hierarchy, with smaller ROIs nested within larger ROIs. Furthermore, primary ROIs are guaranteed not to overlap, and they roughly tile the entire brain (with some gaps).

For a quick overview of the ROI hierarchy, use fetch_roi_hierarchy().

from neuprint import fetch_roi_hierarchy

# Show the ROI hierarchy, with primary ROIs marked with '*'
print(fetch_roi_hierarchy(False, mark_primary=True, format='text'))
 +-- AL(L)*
 +-- AL(R)*
 +-- AOT(R)
 +-- CX
 |   +-- AB(L)*
 |   +-- AB(R)*
 |   +-- EB*
 |   +-- FB*
 |   +-- NO*
 |   +-- PB*
 +-- GC
 +-- GF(R)
 +-- GNG*
 +-- INP
 |   +-- ATL(L)*
 |   +-- ATL(R)*
 |   +-- CRE(L)*
 |   +-- CRE(R)*
 |   +-- IB*
 |   +-- ICL(L)*
 |   +-- ICL(R)*
 |   +-- SCL(L)*
 |   +-- SCL(R)*
 +-- LH(R)*
 +-- LX(L)
 |   +-- BU(L)*
 |   +-- LAL(L)*
 +-- LX(R)
 |   +-- BU(R)*
 |   +-- LAL(R)*
 +-- MB(+ACA)(R)
 |   +-- MB(R)
 |   |   +-- CA(R)*
 |   |   +-- PED(R)*
 |   |   +-- a'L(R)*
 |   |   +-- aL(R)*
 |   |   +-- b'L(R)*
 |   |   +-- bL(R)*
 |   |   +-- gL(R)*
 |   +-- dACA(R)
 |   +-- lACA(R)
 |   +-- vACA(R)
 +-- MB(L)
 |   +-- CA(L)*
 |   +-- a'L(L)*
 |   +-- aL(L)*
 |   +-- b'L(L)*
 |   +-- bL(L)*
 |   +-- gL(L)*
 +-- OL(R)
 |   +-- AME(R)*
 |   +-- LO(R)*
 |   +-- LOP(R)*
 |   +-- ME(R)*
 +-- PENP
 |   +-- CAN(R)*
 |   +-- FLA(R)*
 |   +-- PRW*
 |   +-- SAD*
 +-- POC
 +-- SNP(L)
 |   +-- SIP(L)*
 |   +-- SMP(L)*
 +-- SNP(R)
 |   +-- SIP(R)*
 |   +-- SLP(R)*
 |   +-- SMP(R)*
 +-- VLNP(R)
 |   +-- AOTU(R)*
 |   +-- AVLP(R)*
 |   +-- PLP(R)*
 |   +-- PVLP(R)*
 |   +-- WED(R)*
 +-- VMNP
 |   +-- EPA(L)*
 |   +-- EPA(R)*
 |   +-- GOR(L)*
 |   +-- GOR(R)*
 |   +-- IPS(R)*
 |   +-- SPS(L)*
 |   +-- SPS(R)*
 |   +-- VES(L)*
 |   +-- VES(R)*
 +-- mALT(L)
 +-- mALT(R)

Neuron Search Criteria

Specify neurons of interest by bodyId, type/instance, or via a NeuronCriteria object. With NeuronCriteria, you can specify multiple search constraints, including the ROIs in which matched neurons must contain synapses.

from neuprint import NeuronCriteria as NC

# Example: Select a specific body
criteria = 387023620
criteria = NC(bodyId=387023620)

# Example: Select several bodies
criteria = [387023620, 387364605, 416642425]
criteria = NC(bodyId=[387023620, 387364605, 416642425])

# Example: Select bodies by exact type
criteria = 'PEN_b(PEN2)'
criteria = NC(type='PENPEN_b(PEN2)')

# Example: Select bodies by exact instance
criteria = 'PEN(PB06)_b_L4'
criteria = NC(type='PEN(PB06)_b_L4')

# Example: Select bodies by type name pattern
criteria = NC(type='PEN.*')

# Example: Select bodies by region (input or output)
criteria = NC(rois=['PB', 'EB'])

# Example: Select traced neurons which intersect the PB ROI with at least 100 inputs (PSDs).
criteria = NC(inputRois=['PB'], min_roi_inputs=100, status='Traced', cropped=False)

Fetch neuron properties

Neuron properties and per-ROI synapse distributions can be obtained with fetch_neurons(). Two dataframes are returned: one for neuron properties, and one for the counts of synapses in each ROI.

from neuprint import fetch_neurons
neuron_df, roi_counts_df = fetch_neurons(criteria)

The total count of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic points within each neuron are given in the pre and post columns:

neuron_df[['bodyId', 'instance', 'type', 'pre', 'post', 'status', 'cropped', 'size']]
bodyId instance type pre post status cropped size
0 387023620 PEN_b(PB06b)_L4 PEN_b(PEN2) 343 1713 Traced False 686693145
1 387364605 EPG(PB08)_L3 EPG 645 4350 Traced False 1469716322
2 416642425 EPG(PB08)_R4 EPG 470 3834 Traced False 1169220265
3 417998204 PFNv(PB05)_R4_C7 PFNv 229 999 Traced False 476702093
4 419060083 PFGs(PB10)_L2_C2 PFGs 556 2395 Traced False 1107227318
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
477 5813080979 PEN_a(PB06a)_L5 PEN_a(PEN1) 544 1655 Traced False 931602278
478 5813081494 PFR_b(PB11b)_R1_C8 PFR_b 118 1908 Traced False 591660901
479 5813081686 PFNa(PB03)_L8_C7 PFNa 121 510 Traced False 284299919
480 5813087532 IbSpsP(PB17)_R9 IbSpsP 108 445 Traced False 261895522
481 5813128308 PFNp_a(PB01a)_L7_C6 PFNp_a 71 310 Traced False 187284000

482 rows × 8 columns

The per-ROI synapse counts are returned in the second DataFrame.

Note: Since ROIs overlap (see hierarchy above), the sum of the per-ROI counts for each body will be more than the pre and post columns above.

bodyId roi pre post downstream upstream mito
0 387023620 ATL(L) 0 5 0 5 0
1 387023620 CX 341 1703 1653 1703 142
2 387023620 EB 233 559 1134 559 53
3 387023620 EBr1 0 5 0 5 0
4 387023620 EBr2r4 7 22 36 22 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7835 5813128308 PB 1 165 2 165 15
7836 5813128308 PB(L6) 0 29 0 29 0
7837 5813128308 PB(L7) 1 122 2 122 14
7838 5813128308 PB(L8) 0 14 0 14 1
7839 5813128308 mALT(L) 0 1 0 1 1

7840 rows × 7 columns

Fetch connections

Find synaptic connection strengths between one set of neurons and another using fetch_adjacencies().

The “source” and/or “target” neurons are selected using NeuronCriteria. Additional parameters allow you to filter by connection strength or ROI. Two DataFrames are returned, for neuron properties and per-ROI connection strengths.

from neuprint import fetch_adjacencies, NeuronCriteria as NC

# Example: Fetch all downstream connections FROM a set of neurons
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies([387023620, 387364605, 416642425], None)

# Example: Fetch all upstream connections TO a set of neurons
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies(None, [387023620, 387364605, 416642425])

# Example: Fetch all direct connections between a set of upstream neurons and downstream neurons
neuron_df, conn_df = fetch_adjacencies(NC(type='Delta.*'), NC(type='PEN.*'))
conn_df.sort_values('weight', ascending=False)
bodyId_pre bodyId_post roi weight
178 910783961 5813070465 PB 184
56 880880259 849421763 PB 141
318 911565419 5813070465 PB 141
92 910442723 849421763 PB 139
215 911129204 724280817 PB 127
... ... ... ... ...
603 1158747783 387023620 PB 1
19 734581598 5813070465 PB 1
605 1158747783 634608104 PB 1
606 1158747783 663190769 PB 1
18 734581598 5813047157 PB 1

653 rows × 4 columns

Merge arbitrary neuron properties onto the connection table with merge_neuron_properties()

from neuprint import merge_neuron_properties

conn_df = merge_neuron_properties(neuron_df, conn_df, ['type', 'instance'])
bodyId_pre bodyId_post roi weight type_pre instance_pre type_post instance_post
0 734581598 387023620 PB 1 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L6R3_L PEN_b(PEN2) PEN_b(PB06b)_L4
1 734581598 508793049 PB 1 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L6R3_L PEN_a(PEN1) PEN_a(PB06a)_L7
2 734581598 509410587 PB 3 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L6R3_L PEN_a(PEN1) PEN_a(PB06a)_R4
3 734581598 569775058 PB 17 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L6R3_L PEN_b(PEN2) PEN_b(PB06b)_R4
4 734581598 570461892 PB 21 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L6R3_L PEN_a(PEN1) PEN_a(PB06a)_R3
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
648 5813061383 1508334312 PB 1 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L1L9R8_R PEN_a(PEN1) PEN_a(PB06a)_L3
649 5813061383 1600083889 PB 37 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L1L9R8_R PEN_b(PEN2) PEN_b(PB06b)_L9
650 5813061383 1601771527 PB 4 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L1L9R8_R PEN_b(PEN2) PEN_b(PB06b)_R9
651 5813061383 5813047157 PB 12 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L1L9R8_R PEN_b(PEN2) PEN_b(PB06b)_L2
652 5813061383 5813070465 PB 1 Delta7 Delta7(PB15)_L1L9R8_R PEN_b(PEN2) PEN_b(PB06b)_L3

653 rows × 8 columns

Connection Matrix

You can convert a connection table into a connectivity matrix via connection_table_to_matrix().

from neuprint.utils import connection_table_to_matrix

matrix = connection_table_to_matrix(conn_df, 'bodyId', sort_by='type')
matrix.iloc[:10, :10]
bodyId_post 910447075 509410587 1002507131 5813056953 1127471692 1125964630 849482511 1508334312 664645558 847336755
734581598 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 13 0
911911193 1 0 1 0 21 8 1 0 0 0
911911004 2 0 1 0 3 36 0 0 0 0
911911699 0 0 20 0 0 0 1 16 0 0
911919044 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0
911919917 1 0 11 1 0 10 0 0 0 0
911906936 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 13 0 15
911578496 1 1 29 0 0 0 2 0 1 1
911578595 1 0 0 0 22 8 1 1 0 0
911574261 0 0 1 0 0 28 0 0 0 0
matrix.index = matrix.index.astype(str)
matrix.columns = matrix.columns.astype(str)
matrix.hvplot.heatmap(height=600, width=700, xaxis='top').opts(xrotation=60)
matrix = connection_table_to_matrix(conn_df, ('bodyId_pre', 'type_post'))

matrix.index = matrix.index.astype(str)
matrix.columns = matrix.columns.astype(str)
matrix.hvplot.heatmap(height=600, width=400)


Fetch synapses for a set of bodies using NeuronCriteria, and optionally apply additional filtering with SynapseCriteria.

from neuprint import fetch_synapses, NeuronCriteria as NC, SynapseCriteria as SC

neuron_criteria = NC(status='Traced', type='FB4Y', cropped=False, inputRois=['EB'], min_roi_inputs=100, min_pre=400)
eb_tbar_criteria = SC(rois='EB', type='pre', primary_only=True)
eb_tbars = fetch_synapses(neuron_criteria, eb_tbar_criteria)
# Plot the synapse positions in a 2D projection
p = figure()
p.scatter(eb_tbars['x'], eb_tbars['z'])
p.y_range.flipped = True

Synapse Connections

Here, we fetch all synapse-synapse connections from a set of neurons. Provide a NeuronCriteria for the source or target neurons (or both) to filter the neurons of interest, and optionally filter the synapses themselves via SynapseCriteria.

from neuprint import fetch_synapse_connections
eb_syn_criteria = SC(rois='EB', primary_only=True)
eb_conns = fetch_synapse_connections(neuron_criteria, None, eb_syn_criteria)
bodyId_pre bodyId_post roi_pre roi_post x_pre y_pre z_pre x_post y_post z_post confidence_pre confidence_post
0 1008378448 978733459 EB EB 28216 23624 20424 28218 23615 20428 0.710 0.985000
1 1008378448 973566036 EB EB 29462 24976 22113 29460 24971 22103 0.858 0.875137
2 1008378448 973566036 EB EB 28169 25762 22727 28164 25749 22710 0.827 0.747179
3 1008378448 972892437 EB EB 24850 24526 22938 24839 24513 22945 0.955 0.669943
4 1008378448 972892437 EB EB 26598 25202 23450 26616 25209 23461 0.969 0.664466

Let’s determine the post-synaptic neuron types, and plot the synapses for the top 5 types.

# Retrieve the types of the post-synaptic neurons
post_neurons, _ = fetch_neurons(eb_conns['bodyId_post'].unique())
eb_conns = merge_neuron_properties(post_neurons, eb_conns, 'type')

top5_counts = eb_conns['type_post'].value_counts().head(5)
EPG            1486
EL              571
PEN_a(PEN1)     374
ExR7            264
PEN_b(PEN2)     185
Name: count, dtype: int64
colormap = dict(zip(top5_counts.index, bokeh.palettes.Category10[5]))
points = eb_conns.query('type_post in @top5_counts.index').copy()
points['color'] = points['type_post'].map(colormap)

p = figure()
p.scatter(points['x_post'], points['z_post'], color=points['color'])
p.y_range.flipped = True


Download skeletons with Client.fetch_skeleton().

# Download some skeletons as DataFrames and attach columns for bodyId and color
skeletons = []
for i, bodyId in enumerate(eb_conns['bodyId_pre'].unique()):
    s = c.fetch_skeleton(bodyId, format='pandas')
    s['bodyId'] = bodyId
    s['color'] = bokeh.palettes.Accent[5][i]

# Combine into one big table for convenient processing
skeletons = pd.concat(skeletons, ignore_index=True)
rowId x y z radius link bodyId color
0 1 22020.0 28064.0 13062.0 10.0000 -1 1008378448 #7fc97f
1 2 22040.0 28084.0 13062.0 18.2843 1 1008378448 #7fc97f
2 3 22060.0 28104.0 13082.0 10.0000 2 1008378448 #7fc97f
3 4 22060.0 28124.0 13082.0 10.0000 3 1008378448 #7fc97f
4 5 22060.0 28144.0 13082.0 10.0000 4 1008378448 #7fc97f
# Join parent/child nodes for plotting as line segments below.
# (Using each row's 'link' (parent) ID, find the row with matching rowId.)
segments = skeletons.merge(skeletons, 'inner',
                           left_on=['bodyId', 'link'],
                           right_on=['bodyId', 'rowId'],
                           suffixes=['_child', '_parent'])
p = figure()
p.y_range.flipped = True

# Plot skeleton segments (in 2D)
p.segment(x0='x_child', x1='x_parent',
          y0='z_child', y1='z_parent',

# Also plot the synapses from the above example
p.scatter(points['x_post'], points['z_post'], color=points['color'])


Cypher Logging

Tip: Inspect all cypher queries by enabling debug logging.

from neuprint.client import setup_debug_logging

synapses = fetch_synapses(5813027016, SC(rois='EB', type='post'))
[2025-02-05 15:35:02,373] DEBUG Performing cypher query against dataset 'hemibrain:v1.2.1':

    MATCH (n:Segment)
      // -- Basic conditions for segment 'n' --
      n.bodyId = 5813027016
    RETURN n.bodyId as bodyId

[2025-02-05 15:35:02,401] DEBUG Performing cypher query against dataset 'hemibrain:v1.2.1':

    MATCH (n:Segment)
      // -- Basic conditions for segment 'n' --
      n.bodyId = 5813027016
      AND (n.EB)

    MATCH (n)-[:Contains]->(ss:SynapseSet),

    // -- Filter synapse 's' --
    WITH n, s
    WHERE (s.EB) AND (s.type = 'post')

    // De-duplicate 's' because 'pre' synapses can appear in more than one SynapseSet

    RETURN n.bodyId as bodyId,
           s.type as type,
           s.confidence as confidence,
           s.location.x as x,
           s.location.y as y,
           s.location.z as z,
 , ['location', 'confidence', 'type']) as syn_info